The next time you come to worship you may notice that we now have on our street banners the international emblem of the Anglican Communion: the Compass Rose. This will help explain to visitors that though we have retained the name St. John's Episcopal Church, we are not a member of the Episcopal Church, USA.

Looking at the symbol, in the center is the cross of St. George. St. George (along with the Blessed Virgin Mary) are co-patron saints of England. The cross of St. George recalls our Anglican roots in the historic English Church. Surrounding the cross of St.George is the Greek inscription "The Truth Shall Set You Free" (John 8:32); and the Compass design radiating out from the center shows the spread of Anglican Christianity throughout the world. The bishop's Mitre on the top of the symbol empahsizes the necessary role of the Catholic episcopacy and apostolic succession of the historic Christian faith. This apostolic and Catholic faith is at the core of the churches of the Anglican Communion. The Compass Rose is used widely by the family of the Anglican/Episcopal churches. It is also the logo for the Inter-Anglican Secretariat, and is used as the Communion's identifying symbol.