The birth and rescue of Moses.
- We spent some time talking about the circumstances of Moses' birth, and that he does not have a known father nor do we know when he was born (sometime between 1700 and 1550 BC). Like many who serve God, the personal or family details are not known as they are not of real importance. The story of Moses is a foreshadowing of our Lord's own life in many ways. The threat to the lives of the unborn is not a recent problem in the world.
- This section of Chapter 2 explains how Moses as a person of privilege is called to account by the suffering of those less fortunate than himself. Suffering opens his eyes.
- The threat the Hebrew makes against Moses is surprising on one hand but maybe it demonstrates the serious bitterness that had developed among the Hebrews against the Egyptians due to the Hebrew's fall from a privileged life to one of being a slave.
- The sacred Truth God reveals to Moses by means of His Name is that He has no past and no future. God is both revelation (totally in the present) and being itself (all things rely on Him).
- God is giving Moses the ability to callupon Him, to seek Him and His power to accomplish his many tasks as a liberator.