- Israel is God's first born son, the covenant head of the family of nations.
- Through the genealogy of Moses and Aaron (Ch. 6:14-27) with its main purpose to establish the link between the Levitical priesthood and Moses and Aaron, the people of God is called to be a "priestly nation" for all the nations of the world.
God sent Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh with both a message and a demand. The message was this: "Israel is My first born son."
- Israel is the "elder brother" of all the nations.
- Israel will be the "covenant head" for all the nations.
- All nations are children of God, so the Egyptians (and Pharaoh) are younger siblings.
- Israel shall be a model of righteousness and wisdom.
- All nations are to look to Israel to learn how to walk in the ways of God. This modeling is Israel's "priestly role."
- At this point Moses was not demanding the freedom of Israel. Rather the freedom was to be discovered in the act of worship.
- Moses did not ask Pharaoh to lessen the burdens on Israel. Israel was to find in the worship of God strength to hold up under the burdens of life.
- The worship of God is to be a religious event.
- When we seek to separate ourselves from the world and especially "cleanse our soul" from worldly "tug-and-pull" on us the world will confront us with a variety of burdens and difficulties to discourage us so we will give in and pull back from cleansing and worshipping God.
- We often blame the "religious system" for the struggle we have in seeking participation God's life instead of seeing much oif the struggle is in our own reluctance or laziness to bear up under the burden the world (the Devil) puts on us as we try to pursue a life in Christ.
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